Moving On

If you’ve read this blog even occasionally, you know that it’s been a while since I really focused on it (seeing as it’s August and my last post was about winter cycling). There was a time when I was learning new things at an exponential rate and was really excited to share them as I went. I also was navigating the weird combo of feeling both empowered and vulnerable as an urban cyclist.

I’m still riding and still learning, but my career has picked up and I’ve had less free time to write blog posts. I’m also moving away from Minneapolis to pursue a new opportunity this fall. I’m excited about the work I’ll be doing, but it’s pretty tough to leave a place and group of people who have given me so much support in so many ways.

This blog will stay up, but if you’re looking for new content, let me suggest some other excellent blogs, along with a great post from each to get you started:

Grease Rag continues to be the best source of information for and about Women/Trans/Femme cyclists in the Twin Cities (though they are slightly Minneapolis-focused. Sorry St. Paul). The Grease Rag blog has always had multiple contributors, but the team has plans in the works add even more WTF voices and perspectives. Readers of Girls Biking to Work might be particularly interested in Melody’s recent post about biking to an interview.

Woman on a Wheel is a former Grease Rag facilitator who spent a year traveling around the world working with and learning from other organizers and innovators. She’s blogging from Boston now, where she (of course) does amazing bike activist work. Her tribute to friend and fellow activist Elena is really inspiring, and in addition to reading about a bad-ass bike feminist, you get a sense of who Woman on a Wheel is and what her blog is all about. Go check it out.

Echo in the City blogs about both serious stuff and funny stuff from Chicago. And she makes cartoons! To do the full spectrum of her blog justice, I’m picking two posts I strongly identify with: talking about microagressions in the cycling community and that crazy sound that my Camelback water bottle makes after I drink out of it (and sometimes hours afterwards).

Thanks to everyone who read Girls Biking to Work, and especially for those who left thoughtful comments. We are our own experts!

4 comments on “Moving On

  1. Thanks so much for the shout out, and the kind words! It means A LOT to me. Whenever life gets hectic and I consider cutting out blogging from my life, it’s really comments like this that keeps me going! 😀 😀

  2. Best wishes to you!! Whenever I feel like I am the only run riding my bike to work, especially in the winter I read blogs like yours to keep me going. 🙂

  3. Great blog! Shame to see you go. These blogs really get laborious after a while. I know. I have one and it’s a nightmare to keep up with. I’m an avid after work and weekend cyclist and love everything biking! I really need to take some bike photo’s and do some bike stories. Long over due on my part. http://www.journeysthrumylens.com

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