Tag Archive | female

The Women’s Bike Pant Saga Continues

This Indiegogo campaign is looking for funding to create “the perfect women’s bike pant.” Worth a look, if you’re like me and have been lamenting the lack of commuter-friendly women’s bike apparel. These seem pretty cool – although I would quibble with their claim that their product is unique. There are at least two other […]

Presto-Chango Bike Outfits

Dressing for bike commuting is a spectrum. On one side, the commuter wears full race-ready apparel on the ride with a full change upon arrival at work. On the other, the dogmatically street-clothes-wearing cyclist wears full jewelry and any shoes that fit her sense of fashion. Every commute distance/weather/work dress-code is different, so go with […]

Commuter Pants for Women

Bike commuting pants. Not shorts or capris, but real pants that look polished and professional. Dozens of companies offer them for men, but if you’re female, the pickings are pretty slim. The good news is that they do actually exist (don’t think this was true 5 years ago). Here are your spring 2013 options in […]

Link Love

Some internet gems from around the world that are making me smile today: Woman on a Wheel talks to a bike commuter and organizer in Quito. Velo-City-Girl in London makes the case for well-fitting sports bras and their effect on cycling comfort. World Bicycle Relief and a female mechanic in Africa. GirlBikeLove reports that for […]

For all of those who Paved the Path

Whenever I look at cycling history, I am inspired by the women who rode long before spandex was around to polarize ideologies. Here are some gems from around the internet. Before Minneapolis’s newspaper became the Star-Tribune and divorce became socially acceptable, Ann Strong wrote that: “The bicycle is just as good company as most husbands […]

National Women’s Bicycling Summit

The first ever National Women’s Bicycling Summit happened last week in Long Beach, CA. I didn’t go, but I’ve been enjoying reading the online accounts from those who did. Here are some accounts of what I missed: The League of American Bicyclists has declared the Summit a huge success. They might be a bit biased […]

Alternatives to Cycling-Specific Clothing – Outfit #2

Cycling-specific women’s clothing that you’d wear even if you weren’t on a bike is still hard to find. There have been a few products (Outlier offers one pair of women’s pants that appear to be pretty flattering) but more common are collections such as “city riding” from Rapha or Levi’s Commuter Series, which don’t offer […]