Tag Archive | bikes

How to Put Your Bike on Amtrak

Growing up in a rural area not served by train transportation, I never gave Amtrak much thought. I have now taken three different trips via Amtrak this fall, including transporting myself and my bike back to Minneapolis after my trip to Winona. Here is what Amtrak will tell you about taking your bike on the […]

Bikes and Hip-Hop: Two Reasons to Love Minneapolis

Bicycles and hip-hop. Sometimes two things you love about a place come together and create a smile as big as the Hennepin Avenue Bridge. I’ve been mentally composing a post about the confluence of the two in the Minneapolis for a while, but since Y.N.RichKids just released their newest video and it’s called “My Bike,” […]

30 Days of Biking – another year!

Like the image says, Monday, April 1st is the beginning of 30 Days of Biking. The name is pretty self-explanatory: bike somewhere – anywhere – every day for one month. This annual tradition started in Minneapolis, and has spread throughout the world. I participated last year and thought it was pretty sweet. After a long, […]

Reaching out to New Cyclists: Downplay the Bad-Ass Factor

There are so many reasons why I ride my bike (for my finances, my physical and mental health, the environment, convenience, fun). It also makes me feel like a bad ass. Especially in the winter. Which is great – to a certain extent. Last week I realized that sometimes I play up the difficulty of […]

Taking a Break

Last week I braved snow, ice, and slow-as-can-be studded mountain bike tires to bike to work. This week I have been sick and exhausted, worn out by walking two blocks (I think this has more to do with my thin sleep schedule than my well-dressed cold weather exercise). Needless to say, I have not been […]

For all of those who Paved the Path

Whenever I look at cycling history, I am inspired by the women who rode long before spandex was around to polarize ideologies. Here are some gems from around the internet. Before Minneapolis’s newspaper became the Star-Tribune and divorce became socially acceptable, Ann Strong wrote that: “The bicycle is just as good company as most husbands […]

Po Campo’s Bike to Work Starter Kit

I recently stumbled across this Bike to Work Starter Kit on Po Campo’s website (they make bike-compatible purses and diaper bags). I absolutely love this idea! Right now the kit can only be purchased when you buy a bag from them, but it would be easy to compile something specifically for a co-worker or friend […]

Vogue’s Bike Fashion Picks for Fall

I’ve written several posts about my love/hate relationship with the fashion industry. I think every woman, no matter how pretty or thin, feels at some point that she isn’t represented by the idealized images in the fashion world. That’s exponentially true if she’s queer or happens to have skin that isn’t a Northern European shade […]

Interacting with Drivers: A Two-Way Street

There are a lot of pixels devoted to dealing with obnoxious or scary drivers, which is mostly an indicator of how much time and energy cyclists spend thinking about the issue. I have yet to read a blog post that does not essentially say “take the high ground and don’t retaliate” (see Bikey Face’s pep […]

Pedal Power in the MayDay Parade!

The MayDay Parade put on by In the Heart of the Beast Theater in Minneapolis epitomizes my favorite aspects of the Twin Cities – the sense of community, creativity and artistry, progressive politics, and people-powered movement. Everything in the parade is handmade and foot driven – whether by walking, stilting, or pedaling. Roughly 2,000 community […]